How To Keep Fresh Flowers Looking Fabulous For Longer

Who doesn't love a handful of freshly picked wildflowers or the smell of a bouquet of roses? But why does it seem like fresh flowers look so perfect the day you get them, only to droop and wilt away days later? 

Well, with just a few simple tips, you can make sure your fresh flowers stay looking fabulous for longer. Read on to discover three helpful tips to help preserve fresh flowers.

Clean Your Vase Properly

Before adding water and flower food, give your vase a good scrub with warm, soapy water. Cleaning the vase will help remove any bacteria that might be lingering inside. The bacteria can cause the flowers to wilt faster. So remember to rinse the vase thoroughly before adding the flowers and water. 

When you clean, focus on the neck of the vase because bacteria tend to accumulate there. But avoid using any cleaners that contain chlorine. Chlorine can shock the flowers, making them more susceptible to wilting quickly. It also has a strong scent that might make your space smell strange.

Use Flower Food

Flower food is a specially formulated mix of chemicals that help keep your flowers looking fresher for longer. It provides nutrients the flowers need while also preventing bacteria growth in the water. The food is usually a mixture of sugar, acidified (usually citric acid), and preservatives. This mix also helps flowers take in the water more efficiently, which will help them last longer.

Follow the directions on the package when mixing up flower food solution, and always pour enough water, so the flowers are submerged. If you don't have flower food, you can make your own with a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of lemon juice.

Cut Stems at an Angle

When cutting stems, make sure you cut them at an angle instead of straight across. This cutting strategy opens up more surface area for absorption. It allows your flower to soak up more nutrients from the water and flower food mixture in its vase than if you had cut straight across.

In addition, make sure you cut off any excess leaves that sit in or below the water line because these can quickly rot, leading to smelly bacteria growth in your vase. And as mentioned earlier, bacterial growth will shorten the life span of your beautiful bouquet even further.

There are three simple tips that will help keep your fresh flowers looking fabulous for longer! So next time you bring home a beautiful bouquet or pick some wildflowers outside, don't forget these easy steps.

If you need help, reach out to a flower preservation service. They'll be able to provide you with the techniques, tools, and resources needed to help keep your fresh flowers looking lively and gorgeous!

About Me

Choosing A Wonderful Florist

When I started looking around for a great way to make my wedding gorgeous on a budget, I realized that finding the right flowers could help me to make things beautiful. I worked with an incredible florist who really understood what it meant to create a beautiful event, and she helped me to find amazing flowers for an awesome price. She worked hard to uncover my personal style and to make things gorgeous, and it really made a big difference. I wanted to create a blog all about working with great florists so that you can see how much of a difference it can make.